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Chicago, IL, United States
You can't live in a city of 3 million that is as vibrant and friendly as Chicago without wanting to share. I love the city that some days infuriates me, but if you ever want to talk to someone who is exuberant about Chicago...then you need only ask me.
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Monday, February 22, 2010

What you need to file for the Taxpayer Credit

IRS Clarifies What's Needed to Claim Tax Credit
The Internal Revenue Service has clarified which documentation taxpayers need to submit to claim the first-time and move-up homebuyer tax credit.

While the IRS is still requiring the filing of Form 5405, it is not demanding that all parties’ signatures be on the HUD-1 settlement document in areas where requiring both the buyer and the seller to sign the document isn’t common.

The IRS clarification says: "In areas where signatures are not required on the settlement document, the IRS has clarified that it will accept a settlement statement if it is completed and valid according to local law. … The IRS encourages those buyers to sign the settlement statement prior to attaching it to the tax return.”

For repeat buyers, the IRS is seeking documentation that home buyers have lived in the previous property for a consecutive five of the past eight years. Proof can include property tax records, home owner insurance records, or mortgage interest statements.

Source: Washington Post (02/20/2010)

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